Thursday, August 16, 2007

I've Returned!

Okay, hiatus over, I'm back!
I've gotten the rough sketches of my writing all done, and I have a fairly good first draft done too, which I had a friend of mine look at (sorry and thank you) and she really liked it. I'm sure she would have liked it much more if I would have had access to everything I'd written up to that point, but being without my computer doesn't help with that.

My trip went really well, it was both relaxing and fun. It's great to get away sometimes, so the week off was good for me. And I got a lot of reading done too!

So, now that I'm back, here's what you can expect in the near future:
Review of 13 Little Blue Envelopes I've been promising for ages
Review of The Next Adventures of Guy
Review of the Twilight series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse)
Notes from the Stephenie Meyer appearance at the premiere event for Eclipse
Continuation of the Where to Write blog series
New blog post series: Character Voices

That's...a lot. Quite a daunting list of tasks there. It will take me quite some time to get through all those, especially since I will be starting up at the local junior college on Monday.


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