Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Query Letters

I just sent off my first real query letter to Quake, which is the new YA branch of Echelon Press. It's for my short story, You Always Knew, which I have had published previously in my high school's literary magazine and in my creative writing group's collection.
My writer friend Norm Cowie suggested this to me, which I am quite thankful for. Wish me luck on getting published!

But I'm really new to this whole process, so I'm not sure if I wrote the query letter right. So, for future use, do any of you have anything to say on the process of sending query letters? What exactly should I include? Any tips?

In other news...
  • This past weekend I cut off 15" of my hair and donated it to Locks of Love. I really like my new hairstyle, but I am really not used to it yet, it's so different than anything I have ever had before. I have always had really long hair and I just went from waist-length to above my shoulder 0.0 I admit that I have walked past mirrors and not recognized myself at first. But I am glad that I did it, because I know that somewhere out there someone will be very thankful for that hair.

  • I will not be participating in NaNoWriMo this year, no matter how much I want to. I really need to finish up The Conqueror and I can't do that if I take off a month to work on something completely new. I will definately be cheering on all of those who will be participating and I am here for moral support when you reach weeks 3 and 4 (or even week 1 should you need it). I have the utmost faith in all of you and I know you'll do fantastically!
  • 1 comment:

    Norm Cowie said...

    Hey, Jez,
    Thought I would just pop into your page and see what you're up to. Awesome, both the Locks of Love and your submission to Quake.
    As far as query letters, they are definitely an art and not a science.
    Basically, a query letter should be the best writing you've ever done because you only have a page to entice and intrigue an editor. Very tough. Google the topic and read some of the samples out there. Which ones really sound exciting, interesting, make you want to read more? That's how you judge a good query letter.
    And Jez, you can always shoot me a copy and I'll be happy to let you know what I think.
    See ya, and really, I'm impressed you gave up your hair.


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